Feminist Top 11 List - Best Blogs

The best feminist blogs focusing on gender equality issues, the history and progression of feminism, as well as book reviews, educational articles, and encouragement for young women to take positive action in today's society.

About Face

"Media literacy for teen girls* is essential to their growth. About-Face arms girls with the knowledge and tools they need to fight back against a culture that diminishes and disempowers them."
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Amy Poehler's Smart Girls

Actor & comedian Amy Poehler started this blog with producer Meredith Walker to help the next generation of women discover their true selves. Women will discover true encouragement, understanding, and a sense of freedom to follow their dreams having visited this blog.
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Bitch Media

Bitch Media is all about encouraging & promoting thoughtful, modern-day feminism through balanced responses to media topics and pop culture. You'll find articles on life, politics, health, and culture from a broader perspective on what you might have thought feminism to be.
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Everyday Feminism

This blog seem to be have been stopped getting updates back in 2018. I choose to add it for now though as they might pick up the writing again and the blog features lots of feminism content posted before they stopped in 2018 that is still available.
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Feminist Focus

"The Feminist Focus is a platform for advocacy through which Girls Learn International student feminists are able to share their experiences and activism with social issues in their communities. It is a forum where all genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, abilities, spiritualities, classes, and all other identities are welcomed and celebrated."
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Feminist Frequency

The video blog Feminist Frequency focuses on how issues like gender, race, and sexuality are dealt with in the mainstream media. These bloggers also have the goal of ending abuse in the gaming industry, for creators, players, developers, and streamers.
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Feminist Law Professors

The goal of this blog is to build a stronger feminist law professor community. You'll find lists of law professors identifying as feminists, as well as feminist conference announcements, book reviews & articles regarding feminist law from a unique group of scholarly women.
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Feminist Majority Foundation

LA-based Feminist Majority Foundation is a revolutionary organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. Drawing from research, calls to action, history, and a bright view for the future, this blog is about empowering women economically, socially, and politically.
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Created by author and columnist, Jessica Valenti as far back as 2004, Feministing is a blog dedicated to educating all women and encouraging them to take positive action in manifesting their power. Writers are also welcome to submit their work to this site.
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Pretty Progressive

Pretty Progressive, a blog about feminism, politics, and progress was born when a group of writers grew tired of the biased and untrue accounts of current events being shared by mainstream media. Instead, they've created a platform where ideas can be shared and freedom of speech is valued.
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The F-Word

The F-Word is an English-based blog about feminism that shares articles, reviews, and commentary on pop culture. The writing team for this blog, which ranges from parliamentarians to editors and publishers, promotes discussion on contemporary feminism via their perfectly diverse opinions.
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