Career Top 15 List - Best Blogs

The best career blogs to earn more money, choose the right industry for you, and advance faster. You'll find job postings & career quizzes, as well as advice on writing better resumes, salary negotiating tips, and goal setting.

Ask A Manager

Ask A Manager is all about giving you the inside information on what managers and interviewers are really thinking. You'll find advice on how to ask for a raise, how to evaluate employers, how to make criticism work for you, and how to be honest with yourself about the career you really want.
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Career Pivot

Career Pivot focuses on those in the second half of life looking for a career change. Founded by Marc Miller in 2012, as the world emerged from the last recession, their website, podcast & blog share all the insights & skills you'll need to happily leave one job and step seamlessly into another.
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Career Sherpa

Career Sherpa was started by Hannah Morgan to help maximize people's careers within a rapidly changing employment & hiring landscape. You'll find advice on how to find jobs faster, what steps to take, as well as tips on how your online presence & social media can contribute to your career.
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Career Sidekick

Career Sidekick is a blog from a recruiter, Biron Clark, who likes to help job seekers find better jobs, interview more confidently, advance faster, and earn more money. You'll find articles about job search tips, advice on interviews, salary negotiating tips, and lots more.
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Careers Done Write

This team of Professional Resume Writers & Career Coaches offers help in taking you to the next step on your career ladder. On their blog, you'll find tips for winning at interviews, writing better resumes & cover letters, as well as excelling at networking, and planning for retirement.
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Classy Career Girl

Classy Career Girl believes every woman can find a career to fit their goals. So much so, that in 2014 the blog was featured on Forbes list of the 35 Most Influential Career Sites. You'll find advice on goal-setting, as well as family/work balance, and training for those in the midst of changing careers.
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Started by Kat Griffin when she was working on Wall Street as a litigator, Corporette is a blog for high-achieving working women who like to bring some fashion & style to their professionalism. Enjoy articles about lifestyle, fashion, family, and relationships, as well as motivation, success & career goals.
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Job Jenny

Feeling overwhelmed when thinking about a career change? Jenny and her team of career coaches offer guidance via their 1:1 coaching and their very helpful blog. You'll find how-to guides, as well as tools to write stellar resumes, tips on interviews for changing industries, and updating your LinkedIn.
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Kerry Hannon

Kerry Hannon is a former NY Times columnist, career strategist & author of 'Getting the Job You Want After 50' & 'Great Pajama Jobs'. On her wonderful blog, she shares tips for changing careers, finding the career to make you happy, planning for retirement, and working online.
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Live Career

Live Career prides itself on helping job seekers to navigate the right career for them. Through expert advice, you'll learn to build stronger resumes, interview with more confidence, and land your dream job faster. Avail of thousands of free articles, as well as millions of job postings.
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Lolly Daskal

As one of the most sought-after leadership coaches in the world, Lolly Daskal is a bit of an expert on the subject. Her blog dives into the power of heart-led, honest leadership for people from all walks of life, with a business focus on team building & employee engagement.
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Project Life Mastery

Project Life Mastery is all about improving your life through self-development. You'll find great tips about health & fitness, motivation, financial freedom, making money online, self-improvement, and success.
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The Good Men Project

The Good Men Project shares articles and stories about defining moments in men's lives along with advice on how to get through the more difficult ones. You'll find topics like sports, divorce, communication, sex & relationships, health & wellness, as well as politics & business.
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The Muse

The Muse is a New York-based blog offering practical advice on finding work, choosing the right career path, and becoming more successful in the job you have. There are job postings as well as employer resources. You'll also find advice on dealing with anti-racism, disabilities, or gender situations in the workplace.
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Work It Daily

Work It Daily is a blog founded by career expert J.T. O'Donnell in 2009 to help people find more happiness and satisfaction in their working lives. You'll find advice on how to improve your career, tips on what today's employers are looking for, as well as career quizzes and job postings.
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