Marriage Top 11 List - Best Blogs

The top marriage blogs to maintain healthy & loving relationships come from couples, marriage counselors, life coaches, and wellness gurus. Keep the romance alive, find happiness in yourself, and learn to balance life with a spouse.

Fierce Marriage

Ryan & Selena Frederick are the husband and wife behind this blog about building & growing lasting & loving marriages. You'll find articles for men & women, as well as sex & intimacy, money & finances, and improving marital communication. You can also buy their books or listen to their podcast.
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Happy Wives Club

Fawn & her husband Keith have both worked hard in life, but without allowing the intimacy of their marriage to suffer. Check out their blog for the daily secrets to their lasting & happy marriage, as well as their tips for date nights, sex & intimacy, forgiveness, and improving communication skills.
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Laura Doyle

"We know you just want to be a happy wife, but first you have to fix your relationship and right now it feels like it's falling apart. You shouldn't have to feel so lonely when you're married! That's not right. That's why my coaches and I have helped over 15,000 women make their relationships playful and passionate again."
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Living the Sweet Wife

Mom, wife, and Etsy store owner Chelsea Damon is the woman behind this lovely Christian lifestyle blog. She shares easier living tips for family, marriage, working out, and travel. You'll also learn how she & her husband saved, paid off student loans, and bought their first home.
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Love And Life Tool Box

This blog from longtime Marriage and Family Therapist, Lisa Kift, is a great read for marriage tips and relationship advice. Her experience shines and her professional writing style allows her to share helpful tools, as well as emotional wellness tips, in an actionable way for couples to try at home.
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Modern Love Counseling

Alysha, Jessica & Kate are relationship, marriage, family & sex therapists based in Denver, Colorado. In their practice, and on their blog, they help people to reframe the impossible relationship expectations of modern society. And instead, aid couples, partners, & families to create their own form of perfect.
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My Hope In Marriage

William R. Cunningham (Reggie) is a Christian minister, author, and tech professional, as well as a loving husband and father. He started his blog to share the knowledge he gained through 32 years (and counting) of marriage. And his articles are full of wisdom, advice, and resources to rescue relationships.
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NieNie Dialogues

Stephanie Nielson is a mom, wife, Mormon, and burns survivor from a plane crash. She writes daily about her life, her children, and her Mormon faith. She also writes about her husband Christian, who survived the plane crash too, and documents their struggles & blessings as a family.
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Save The Marriage

Dr. Lee Baucom is an experienced couples therapist who saw that traditional methods of marriage therapy were not working. So he created strategies that he believes can save any relationship from the brink of destruction. You'll find some great advice on his blog.
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The Gottman Institute

Dr. John Gottman & his wife Julie spent 40 years researching all facets of relationships, family, and parenting issues. And together they developed an approach that repairs troubled marriages as well as strengthening happy ones. Their blog is FULL of incredible advice for any couple.
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Unveiled Wife

Unveiled Wife is a blog written by Jennifer, who encourages all wives to draw closer to their husbands and to God. Married for 13 years, and parents to five children, Jennifer and her husband Aaron have written more than ten books together and host a weekly marriage podcast.
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