Coupon Top 9 List - Best Blogs

The best blogs for printable coupons, top store deals, giveaways, feebies, matchups, and tips for frugal living. Learn to shop smarter, cut grocery bills in half, manage your personal finances, and save more money.

Coupon Mom

Coupon Mom is the largest grocery deals website in the US with over 7 million members. On the blog section, you'll find free printable coupons for top grocery stores & drugstores nationwide. There are also some very informative articles with tips on how to save money.
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Crazy for Couponing

This couponing mom of four boys has learned to save on almost everything so she can splurge on the things she loves. And on her blog, she is dedicated to showing you how to do it too. You'll find coupons for recipes, travel, beauty, and lots of couponing tips & how-tos.
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Hip2Save is a money-saving blog started by Collin Morgan, an Idaho mom of three, to dig her family out of financial debt. And she'll save you money too, with her promo codes, 75% off coupons, and freebies for stores like Kohl's, Amazon, Walmart, Target, CVS & Walgreens.
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Money Saving Mom

As well as writing three books on the subject, the Money Saving Mom blog brings you the best & latest store deals, a guide to coupons, printable coupons, giveaways, and freebies. You'll also find home & family tips for saving money like meal plans, kid's clothing deals, and school supplies.
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My Litter

My Litter is a blog by a Texan mom of seven, who has reduced her weekly grocery shop by more than 50% using coupons. Her blog includes great family recipes as well as related coupons, promo codes, and store deals where you can purchase the ingredients for less.
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Queen Bee Today

Heather is the voice behind Queen Bee Today and she's passionate about helping people make the most of their money every day. On her blog she shares coupon deals for everything a family could need. Her Rise & Shine section highlights upcoming super sales, and her recipe section is vast!
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Southern Savers

Southern Savers was founded by Jenny, a mom of five and a passionate money saver. She'll help you to understand couponing like a pro and cut your grocery spend by up to 50%. She also shares frugal lifestyle tips for the home, DIY, and travel, as well as free meal plans.
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The Coupon Project

At The Coupon Project, founder Angela Russel will help you to save money by teaching you how to use coupons and find great grocery store deals in your area. She also shares some fabulous frugal living tips like travel deals, gardening tips, cheap family recipes, and other great ideas for living well on a budget.
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The Krazy Coupon Lady

The Krazy Coupon Lady was started by two moms from Idaho who cut their grocery bills in half by clipping coupons. On their blog, you'll find a beginner's guide to couponing, family budgeting tips, home hacks, travel advice, and a huge list of store deals.
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