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0.01 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 1y+ Started: 2023-07-14 06:13:24 0 Total number of replies
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What sets this Forum apart from other Discussion Forums?

The Internetier Forum at launch consists of thousands of forums all neatly organized. Instead of having to register for new forums all the time when you want to discuss another topic, we hope having all of these forums available with one login will be of convenience.

As you post new threads, replies, and react by giving thumb ratings to the content posted by other users, you help let our system know what content is hot and what users are most trustworthy.

Energy & Levels

Two of the unique features of this forum is the enegergy and level systems. As you participate in the forum and receive replies and thumbs up and down, you'll gain and lose levels. Your level is displayed next to your profile picture. How high a level a user has helps others decide if the user is trustworthy or not.

The higher your level, the higher your daily enegery is which will boost your actions on the forum. Let's say you are level 2, then your thumbs up rating on a post will count twice as a thumbs up giving from a level 1 user.

Unlimited Nested Discussions

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The Future of Discussions

We hope that our unique set of features will enable online discussions in a way never before experienced. Join today and help shape the future of discussions!

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 1y+ / 1y+ Published: 2023-07-14 06:13:24
Updated: 2024-01-14 11:17:36
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0.00 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 1y+ Started: 2023-10-29 11:26:44 0 Total number of replies
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The Instrinsic Value of Crypto and Its Unstoppability

I've got to say that the people like Peter Schiff that argues gold has intrinsic value just because it can be used for something else, like jewelry and in electronic products, kind of miss the point of crypto. The other argument people use as a negative is that it's a shame that people can just spin up new cryptos out of thin air.

The intrinsic value of crypto is all about the technology allowing peer to peer transfer without a middle man and of course smart contract functionality. Crypto is also a building block that can be used in creating software, kind of like gold can be used in electronics. I think we will see more and more software with crypto tech, as it enables exciting functionality. As for digital worlds, i.e the metaverse, I believe crypto is a requirement for an open and secure metaverse.

Also, that progammers can spin up new cryptos in minutes (creating something original is of course more time consuming) helps liberate the technology making it more unstoppable. Let's say some government entity or hacker group or someone else figures out a way and decides to stop some cryptos to some extent, or make them very inconvenient, new ones will pop up quickly.

From an investing point of view; People are spinning up new companies for people to invest in on stock markets all over the world, all the time as well.

Exactly what coins will go up in price making people the most money is not of importance compared with the intrinsic value of crypto in software and its unstoppability. Of course, those features are also why some coins will go up in price over time as they gain adoption.

Any thoughts on this point of view?

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 1y+ / 1y+ Published: 2023-10-29 11:26:44
Updated: 2023-10-29 20:52:03
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0.00 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 1y+ Started: 2024-01-06 10:02:56 0 Total number of replies
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How much information lies in a person's appearance?

I sometimes feel I can tell a lot about a person just from their appearance. Especially a face seems to hold a lot of information abot a person. When you add how he or she speaks, dresses, gestures, and how their facial expressions look, a lot of information is being revealed I think.

I don't claim to be better than average at getting to know a person from their appearance and it makes me wonder how much information is really there. Would an AI app, and in the future, a robot be able to tell a LOT about a person just from a photo of their face?

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 1y+ / 1y+ Published: 2024-01-06 10:02:56
Updated: 2024-01-06 10:15:58
Energy Thumbs
0.00 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 1y+ Started: 2024-01-08 10:53:57 0 Total number of replies
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Direct democracy with online voting and zero knowledge proofs

The internet, crypto, and zero knowledge proof technology enables direct democracy in a new way never before tried. There can be hundreds of things to vote on at any given time. Now, most western countries at least, are electing a leader and leading political party for 4 years. In this period, they are free to do almost as they wish. They don't even have to follow through on promises that they gave to win the election.

Voting on issues instead of people

If voters insted could vote on issues, the country would be much more democratic. This shift should also make voting much less time consuming by utilizing new crypto-technology, and the internet. There would be many websites sharing all current, future and previous voting events. A voter can securely log in and vote online, resting assured his vote is being counted, thanks to a zero knowledge proof script, that anyone who knows a bit of programming can verify.

Some less important voting events would get less participation and press, while more important ones, like for instance, if the military should be involved in a war, would get almost everyone engaged.

Putting more thought into votes

This new form of direct democracy should also encourage people only to vote on things that they care about and have knowledge about. We wouldn't want to encourage people to vote on everything. That would be too time consuming or in the worst case, cause people to just vote almost randomly without giving any thoughts on each vote given.

One less problem

As is the case now, we would still have to cope with entities with a lot of power, influence, and money to use the media outlets to sway voters to vote for their benefit. But, we would have one less problem by not having to elect someone who might do just the opposite of what she promised in the election.

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 1y+ / 1y+ Published: 2024-01-08 10:53:57
Updated: 2024-01-08 14:59:17
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0.00 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 1y+ Started: 2024-01-12 10:42:22 0 Total number of replies
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Internetier Forums - Official Partnerships

Having your own forums for your business or other organization or group can provide a great way to prove support for your users. Your group can have as many members as you wish, all of whom will gain moderation rights to all posts in your forums. Your profile picture will feature a crown icon, which indicates to other users you have royal privileges to applicable threads.

Not only are these forums great for communicating with your existing users, but you can also provide helpful replies in other forums (there are over 4,000 forums so far) and recruit new users. As you participate in your own forums and other forums, you'll gain levels and energy, which will help boost your visibility on all forums.

If you are interested, please contact us and we'll have your forums set up. It's totally free of charge!

What are the Internetier Forums?

The idea behind the Internetier Forums is being able to discuss all sorts of topics in one forum with the same user account. As users participate, they gain levels and energy, which amplifies their actions. New users will start with low influence in the forums, but as they participate and receive thumbs ups and replies, they gain levels.

This gives less value to creating spam accounts and bot accounts and more value to users that put in the time to participate in the discussions.

Be noted that some of the features are work in progress, and you are welcome to provide feedback and suggest features.

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 1y+ / 1y+ Published: 2024-01-12 10:42:22
Updated: 2024-01-13 13:38:17
Energy Thumbs
0.00 Thread energy is determined by the energy of the thread starter and those participating in the discussion 8mo Started: 2024-02-26 16:36:20
Last reply: 2024-05-27 19:34:14
106 Total number of replies
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Academic experiences with Tech University?

Hello, how are you? I have a job that takes up a lot of my time during the day, but I want to continue studying to expand my knowledge and improve my skills. I am a teacher and I saw several complementary courses on the subject at a university called TECH and I was very impressed. 

I especially like the fact that they are online and have no fixed schedules. This would be very helpful to me if anyone has experience with this university and can tell me if it is worthwhile for those who work while studying? Thank you very much.

OP This is the original post written by the thread starter to kick off the discussion 11mo Published: 2024-02-26 16:36:20
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